Child Custody

Fort Worth Child Custody Attorneys

Child custody cases can be the most difficult because of the emotions involved.  Let us help you to tailor a child custody agreement that fits the needs of your family.

Texas law separates child custody into two distinct components which are at times confused:

Conservatorship:  Conservatorship means the rights, duties and privileges that each parent has with regards to their children.  It is presumed that parents should be joint managing conservators, however the rights, duties and privileges of each conservator can be specified.

Possession and access:  Possession and access means the time that each parent will have physical custody of the children – also known as visitation.  There is a Standard Possession Schedule provided in the Texas Family Code, however there are many different possession schedules and parenting plans that can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Best Interests of The Child

Both types of custody decisions must be based on the best interests of the children. This is a complicated legal standard that takes into account numerous case-specific factors. For example, courts will examine:

  • Ability of the parents to communicate and co-parent
  • Ability to provide a stable household
  • The children’s educational, medical and emotional needs
  • The children’s age and preferences (if applicable)
  • The parties’ parenting skills
  • Any history of domestic abuse or substance abuse

Because so much is at stake in custody matters, contested issues can lead to intensive litigation. However, in some cases, the parents can reach agreements through mediation, collaborative law, or parent facilitation.

At Naylor & Naylor, we handle child custody matters both through traditional litigation as well as alternative dispute resolution. Attorney Kimberly Naylor is a trained mediator and also serves as a Parent Facilitator and Parent Coordinator.

Contact Us

To get in touch with us, please call (817) 348-0007, or email us. Based in Fort Worth, we handle cases throughout the area.